Begin Again

Written by Rebecca Carlyle Styled and photographed by: Nicole Miller Model: Brittany Lawrence

Written by Rebecca Carlyle
Styled and photographed by: Nicole Miller
Model: Brittany Lawrence

You can always begin again.

It is a singular notion that has echoed, rattled, slammed, and whispered through your mind with every step. 

What would that be like? 

The night sky calls to you as it always did, with the pureness of its beauty. 

Will you be the same? 

The wind ruffles you, blowing the burnt, earthy scent of campfire into your face, the smoke curling about your body in delicate wafts. 

Would it hurt?

Your eyes are keen and hone in on movement among the tall grass, the blades jostling about without rhythm. Their shushing was barely audible over the crackle the flames emitted. 

Have you done this before? 

Would you know that it was a second chance? 

Are you already living your second life? 

But a fresh start. 

The sky is clear of clouds, yet words seem to float by, the glow from stars spelling out messages just for you. They nudged, pushed, poked and prodded you forward. 

What if you weren’t ready?

Time doesn’t wait. The moon rises and the sun falls as they have always done. 

What is the purpose of dying just to be reborn again?

Your thoughts are uncontainable and leak out into the darkness, gliding among the treetops, and landing where they may.

Will you know yourself?

The only way to know for sure was to begin again, and the only way to begin was to end. 


Shadow of Light


Ritual of Ashes